Ear issues are almost every diver’s encounter. You can avoid them. But you should take your first steps ashore.
- Chronic running noses, sinusitis, otitis must be treated before your diving starts. Otherwise they will catch on you after a few dives, no matter how cold or warm the water temperature will be. And it may be very serious.
- If you have a cold, even just a running nose, we do not recommend you to dive. Some divers will ignore this advice, use some nose drops that usually act as vasoconstrictors, and off they go under the water. They may have some trouble when the effect of their nose drops subsides. They return to the surface and have to face the reverse pressure effect. Not a pleasant thing.
- Before beginning your dive gently blow your nose, just as you were taught at your diving course. Please, pay attention. Do it before you submerge, when you are still at the surface. And then while you go deeper under water do it as often as you can. Do not wait for any discomfort in your ears. You swing flippers a couple of times, blow your nose. Easy, without a stain.
- If you feel any discomfort, do not go deeper, hold on. Or, better, go up a little. Before going deeper wait for the pressure to balance up, and the discomfort to recede. Be attentive and cautious about everything that has to do with your ears. You will still need them. It is the rule respected by all divers.
- Helmet helps to prevent ear issues. Use a helmet. Especially, if you plan on a dive with a frequent changes of depths. Besides, it will protect from collecting plankton in your ears. Therefore, you reduce chances of inflammation.
- Once you come to the surface, clear your ears and use your ear drops. It is a good prevention. If you do not have it, put a few drops of olive oil. It will alleviate tension of your eardrums.
- If you have to move after diving, put a cap or a bandana covering and protecting your ears from wind.
- Mucus can block our auditory tube. What can be done? First of all, do not eat dairy before your dives. It increases mucus in your system. Secondly, alcohol and tobacco irritate mucous membranes and provoke excretion of mucus. So, be careful with them.
- Your diving mask cannot be leaky. Water in your mask can irritate your nose and cause inflammatory issues, obstruction of sinuses and lead to other unpleasant consequences.
- And, finally, wisely plan the profile of your dive. The less vertical movement up and down you will have the healthier your ears will be.