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Purchasing diving equipment

DiverSaint.com Blog
Purchasing diving equipment

Purchasing diving equipment is not a simple process. This should be done rationally and without any haste. If you are not fully equipped here are a few tips to help you choose the right diving equipment.

  1. As a minimum diver should have his own mask, tube, flippers and boots. They are very personal things. Not at every diving center you can pick them to fit ideally and cause no inconveniences under water. You mask should suit the shape of your face. Simply look for a mask that comfortably clings to your face without moving when you are under water. The mask should have good padding (silicon padding is resistant to salt and sun). The tube should have a flexible mouth piece and a valve for easy removal of water. Your boots cannot be tight on your feet. It is better if boots are a bit larger than your size but not too loose. Your flippers should not tire your feet.
  2. Before investing into equipment, read about it, see the pros and cons of particular models, talk to experienced friends. Do not hurry. Make all your shopping decisions with a balanced mind.
  3. There are two main points to take into account when making decisions, safety and comfort. Therefore, buy only certified equipment and only from official dealers and stores with good reputation that provide and guarantee maintenance services.
    As an example, I had a battery replacement in a nameless store in Egypt. What can be simpler. It lost the price of a new computer. They broke something, so I had to buy a new one.
  4. Do not worry about bugging the seller with questions. You need a good understanding of the equipment he sells. Ask questions, advice, touch it, try it on, feel the things you buy. You will take it under water.
  5. Computer is one of the more important pieces of equipment for modern day divers. It must be reliable. It should work as a Swiss watch. You do not want any failures under water.
  6. When purchasing a computer check its compatibility with Nitrox. Excellent if it is. Otherwise, you will need a new computer for diving with Nitrox. Given that you see it before you go under water and have time for it.
  7. Your computer must have an alarm, visual or better acoustic. So that if you run short on air or ascend to quickly, it will beep to warn you. It will help you stay more relaxed and not gaze into it all the time.
  8. Do not try to save money on equipment. It is you safety as you understand.